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Maison Du Vin - Opening the Door to Accessible French Wine

Votes 24
The French wine category can be, at best, a bit daunting and stuffy, and at worst inaccessible for newer wine drinkers. For the newest introduction to their portfolio, Off-Piste Wines came to us wanting to challenge this notion with an accessible, simple house of French wines that still oozed sophistication and high quality for the French wine connoisseurs, but didn’t put off younger New World wine drinkers.​​​​​​​ We created not just a set of labels, but a Maison Du Vin brand that paired classic and modern cues with an edge of playful personality. Taking the idea of ‘home’ and unlocking great French wines, we created a bold but elegant logo, using the keyhole to emphasise the brand ethos. We also created bespoke illustrations for each wine which give a nod to the region and sit on a window device, allowing you to look into the home of this wine. This creates a brand full of movement and taste appeal, but with a clear, clean layout to simplify information. “Kingdom & Sparrow have been an absolute joy to work with, from talking through the brief and really understanding what was important for the brand, to the immense creativity they have to come up with such a beautiful design that does exactly what we wanted it to do… They are a lovely, amenable and super talented bunch and I look forward to working with them on future projects.” Rachel Archer, Marketing Director at Off-piste Wines Maison Du Vin is now available in Co-ops across the UK. The perfect place for a modern consumer to buy undauntingly good French wine.


Location:Falmouth, United Kingdom
Project Status:published
Project Type:Packaging
Project Industry:Food/Beverage
Project Market Region:Europe
Project Deliverables:Brand Creation, Brand Identity, Branding, Illustration, Packaging Design
Keywords:WBDS, Agency, Design, Awards, 2022/23
Additional Credits:
Creative & Content LeadChristopher J Porter